API Reference


All responses are in JSON with UTF-8 character encoding.

Status Codes#

  • 200 Successful GET, PUT, POST or DELETE.
  • 400 Bad request parameters.
  • 404 Record not found.
  • 409 Validation failed.
  • 500 Server error.


The burn API allows you to submit new code burns and get information about existing burns.

GET /api/burn#

Gets the list of burns matching specified criteria. With no parameters specified, it will provide a paginated list of all burns at a rate of 100 per page as well as a total count of the results found.

Parameters (all optional):#

  • service_id: An integer representing the service's ID
  • service_name: A string representing the service name associated with the burn
  • revision: A string representing the commit SHA/tag
  • status: A string representing the current status of the burn
  • sort_by: A string for sortable field (id,service_id,service_name,revision,code_lang,repo_url,status)
  • order: A string for ascending/descending orader (asc,desc)
  • page: An integer for specifying the page of the paginated results
  • per_page: An integer to override the default of 100 results per page

Sample request:#

curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' http://localhost:8080/api/burn?service_name=codeburner

Sample response:#

      "code_lang":"Ruby, CoffeeScript, HTML, JavaScript, CSS",
      "status_reason":"completed on 2016-03-02 13:44:19 -0600"}

POST /api/burn#

Submit a new burn.

Since a burn is considered a scan of a single revision of a given service, this will return a 409 validation error if you submit a duplicate service/revision combo.

If you don't specify a revision it defaults to master-HEAD, and resolves that to a specific commit for you automatically.

Parameters (* required):#

  • *service_name: A string representing the service's identifying name
  • *repo_url: A string representing the full GitHub repository URL
  • revision: A string representing either a commit SHA or release tag
  • notify: A string representing the e-mail address to send a notification to on completion

Sample request:#

curl -X POST -F service_name='codeburner' -F repo_url='https://github.com/groupon/codeburner'  http://localhost:8080/api/burn

Sample response:#


GET /api/burn/{:id}#

Show information about an individual burn #:id

Sample request:#

curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' http://localhost:8080/api/burn/26

Sample response:#

  "code_lang":"Ruby, CoffeeScript, HTML, JavaScript, CSS",
  "status_reason":"completed on 2016-03-02 13:44:19 -0600"


The filter API allows you to list, create, and delete filters.

GET /api/filter#

Lists all existing filters. Non-paginated list by default.

Parameters (all optional)#

  • sort_by: A string for sortable field (id,service_id)
  • order: A string for ascending/descending orader (asc,desc)
  • page: An integer for specifying the page of the paginated results
  • per_page: An integer to override the default of 100 results per page if requesting pagination

Sample request:#

curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' http://localhost:8080/api/filter

Sample response:#


POST /api/filter#

Create a new filter. All findings (existing and future) matching the provided combination of parameters will be marked with status 3 (filtered) .

This will return a 409 validation error on attempting to create a duplicate filter.

Parameters (all optional):#

  • service_id: An integer representing a specific service ID
  • severity: An integer representing severity as reported by pipeline
  • fingerprint: A string representing the SHA256 fingerprint calculated by pipeline
  • scanner: A string representing an individual scanning tool
  • description: A string representing a finding description
  • detail: A string representing a finding extended detail
  • file: A string representing a specific file name
  • line: A string representing the line number (this is a string vs. integer to allow for a TODO item)
  • code: A string representing a code snippet returned by a scanning tool

Sample request:#

curl -X POST -F service_id='5' -F scanner='Brakeman' http://localhost:8080/api/filter

Sample response:#


GET /api/filter/{:id}#

Show a specific filter #:id.

Sample request:#

curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' http://localhost:8080/api/filter/4

Sample response:#


DELETE /api/filter/{:id}#

Delete a specific filter #:id.

Sample request:#

curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/api/filter/4

Sample response:#



The finding API allows you to view findings, publish them to your issue tracker of choice, and modify status.

GET /api/finding#

Gets the list of findings matching specified criteria. With no parameters specified, it will provide a paginated list of all findings at a rate of 100 per page as well as a total count of the results found.

Parameters (all optional):#

  • service_id: An integer representing the service ID
  • burn_id: An integer representing the burn ID
  • service_name: A string representing the service name associated with the burn
  • severity: An integer representing the severity as reported by pipeline
  • description: A string representing the finding description
  • fingerprint: A string representing the SHA256 fingerprint calculated by pipeline
  • status: An integer representing the status (0=created,1=hidden,2=published,3=filtered)
  • sort_by: A string for sortable field (id,service_id,service_name,severity,fingerprint,status,description)
  • order: A string for ascending/descending orader (asc,desc)
  • page: An integer for specifying the page of the paginated results
  • per_page: An integer to override the default of 100 results per page

Sample request:#

curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' http://localhost:8080/api/findings?service_name=codeburner?per_page=1

Sample response:#

    "description":"Unscoped Find",
    "detail":"Unscoped call to Finding#find\nhttp://brakemanscanner.org/docs/warning_types/unscoped_find/",

GET /api/finding/{:id}#

Show information about an individual finding #:id.

Sample request:#

curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' http://localhost:8080/api/finding/158

Sample response:#

  "description":"Unscoped Find",
  "detail":"Unscoped call to Finding#find\nhttp://brakemanscanner.org/docs/warning_types/unscoped_find/",

PUT /api/finding/{:id}#

Update attributes (currently only status) for a specific finding #:id.

Sample request:#

curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' -X PUT -d '{"status":1}' http://localhost:8080/api/finding/158

Sample response:#

  "description":"Unscoped Find",
  "detail":"Unscoped call to Finding#find\nhttp://brakemanscanner.org/docs/warning_types/unscoped_find/",

PUT /api/finding/{:id}/publish#

Publish a specific finding #:id to your issue tracker of choice.

Parameters (* required):#

  • *method: A string representing the desired publishing method (github,jira)
  • project: A string representing the JIRA project if you're using that publishing method

Sample request:#

curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' -X PUT -d '{"method":"github"}' http://localhost:8080/api/finding/158/publish

Sample response:#

  "ticket":"groupon/codeburner - Issue #5",


The service API can be used to list services, find information about a specific service, and generate history/statistics.

GET /api/service#

List all services. Results are non-paginated. This query result is cached in redis and should generally return very quickly even with a large number of services.

Sample request:#

curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' http://localhost:8080/api/service

Sample response:#


GET /api/service/{:id}#

Show information about a specific service #:id.

Sample request:#

curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' http://localhost:8080/api/service/5

Sample response:#


GET /api/service/{:id}/stats#

Get statistics about a specific service #id. If you want statistics about all services, see /api/stats.

Sample request:#

curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' http://localhost:8080/api/service/5/stats

Sample response:#


GET /api/service/{:id}/stats/burns#

Get a list of [date, count] pairs where count is the number of burns performed against a specific service on date.

Parameters (all optional):#

  • start_date: A string representing the start_date for the list, parsable by ruby Time.parse().
  • end_date: A string representing the end_date for the list, parsable by ruby Time.parse().

Sample request:#

curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' http://localhost:8080/api/service/5/stats/burns

Sample response:#


GET /api/service/{:id}/stats/history#

Generate point-in-time statistics (comparable to the /api/service/{:id}/stats output) for a service from start_date to end_date with a timestep of resolution.

The default start_date is the date of the first burn on the service, and the default end_date is ruby Time.now().

The default resolution is calculated automatically based on the length of time between the two dates to generate smooth trend lines when graphed. It ranges from 1 hour to 1 week.

Parameters (all optional):#

  • start_date: A string representing the start_date for the history, parsable by ruby Time.parse().
  • end_date: A string representing the end_date for the history, parsable by ruby Time.parse().
  • resolution: An integer representing the timestep used to sample stats, in seconds.


Be careful with the resolution setting. If you set this too low (say, every 5 minutes on multiple months of history) you can generate a very large number of database queries and cause considerable slowdown.

Sample request:#

curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' http://localhost:8080/api/service/5/stats/history/resolution=259200

Sample response:#


GET /api/service/{:id}/stats/history/range#

Show the default start_date, end_date and resolution for history of a specific service #:id.

Sample request:#

curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' http://localhost:8080/api/service/5/stats/history/range

Sample response:#


GET /api/service/{:id}/stats/history/resolution#

Show the default resolution for a given start_date and end_date for a specific service #:id.

Parameters (all required):#

  • start_date: A string representing the start_date for the resolution, parsable by ruby Time.parse().
  • end_date: A string representing the end_date for the resolution, parsable by ruby Time.parse().

Sample request:#

curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' http://localhost:8080/api/service/5/stats/history/resolution?start_date=2016-03-01T23:06:49.107Z&end_date=2016-03-03T17:07:05.428-06:00

Sample response:#



The stats API provides overall statistics and history for everything done by Codeburner. If you want to pull statistics for an individual service, see /api/service/{:id}/stats.

All times are passed as JSON-encoded UTC, and the data is generally structured to be easily mapped to a Google Visualization DataTable object.

If you want to incorporate Codeburner data in your existing dashboards or otherwise roll your own graphs, it should map fairly cleanly to most popular graphing implementations. A handful of libraries that have worked well with the data internally: chartkick, chartist, gruff.

GET /api/stats#

Get statistics for number of findings in each category (open, hidden, published, filtered), total lines/files burned, number of services and number of burns. This response is cached in redis and should respond very quickly.

Sample request:#

curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' http://localhost:8080/api/stats

Sample response:#


GET /api/stats/burns#

Get a list of [date, count] pairs where count is the number of burns performed on date.

Parameters (all optional):#

  • start_date: A string representing the start_date for the list, parsable by ruby Time.parse().
  • end_date: A string representing the end_date for the list, parsable by ruby Time.parse().

Sample request:#

curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' http://localhost:8080/api/stats/burns

Sample response:#


GET /api/stats/history#

Generate point-in-time statistics (comparable to the /api/stats output) for a service from start_date to end_date with a timestep of resolution.

The default start_date is the date of the first burn, and the default end_date is ruby Time.now().

The default resolution is calculated automatically based on the length of time between the two dates to generate smooth trend lines when graphed. It ranges from 1 hour to 1 week.

Parameters (all optional):#

  • start_date: A string representing the start_date for the history, parsable by ruby Time.parse().
  • end_date: A string representing the end_date for the history, parsable by ruby Time.parse().
  • resolution: An integer representing the timestep used to sample stats, in seconds.


Be careful with the resolution setting. If you set this too low (say, every 5 minutes on multiple months of history) you can generate a very large number of database queries and cause considerable slowdown.

Sample request:#

curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' http://localhost:8080/api/stats/history?resolution=400000

Sample response:#


GET /api/stats/history/range#

Show the default start_date, end_date and resolution for full Codeburner history.

Sample request:#

curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' http://localhost:8080/api/stats/history/range

Sample response:#


GET /api/stats/history/resolution#

Show the default resolution for a given start_date and end_date.

Parameters (all required):#

  • start_date: A string representing the start_date for the resolution, parsable by ruby Time.parse().
  • end_date: A string representing the end_date for the resolution, parsable by ruby Time.parse().

Sample request:#

curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' http://localhost:8080/api/stats/history/resolution?start_date=2016-03-01T23:06:49.107Z&end_date=2016-03-03T17:07:05.428-06:00

Sample response:#